Those posts took forever to clean.
Most stuff, I just need to run over it once with the yellow. Some I can even get away with green. I'm not sure what white is for. (For reference, those represent different spread angles for the power washer: white is 40o, green is 25o and yellow is 15o. Red is 0o and is last resort. When you use a wider angle, it is lower pressure and therefore leaves more behind.) I'm mostly just glad for the wood that I don't have the real-life worry of blasting off the paint on accident. The dirt was really stuck on and would absolutely have taken the paint with it if I had to do it outside of a simulator.
I get the feeling that, moving forward, more things will be like those wooden posts. This was the longest job by far, and those posts were not helping. (Neither was that nightmare railing in the front.) I'm glad for my decision to not do this game straight through. I have other puzzle-type games I would much rather be playing. I do wish I could stream Steam games on Sunday (as I have a few things I'd rather would skip the queue for weekdays/Saturdays) but that just doesn't work with my setup. At least I'll be able to pair those games with longer streams.